School Counseling Department
“Navigating Your Roadmap To Success”
Phone: 443-809-7519
Fax: 443-809-7518
CEEB Code: 210212
Mrs. Amy Jubb
Department Chair
Sollers and AVID 12
Service Learning Coordinator
CPS Liaison
Mrs. Lori Bures
College & Career Counselor
AVID 9,10,11
CCBC & ECAP Liaison
Mr. Mike Radcliffe
Last Names A-F
Mr. Edwin Giron
Last Names G-O
Ms. Kelly Perdikakis
Last Names P-Z
Mr. Jim Krebs
School Social Worker
Food Pantry Coordinator
Email: [email protected]
Mrs. Katie Gossage
Counseling Secretary
New Enrollments (Appointments required)
PPW Referrals
Email: [email protected]
Ms. Nicole Ferrara
Records Secretary
Email: [email protected]