SPHS Opening Template

Sparrows Point High School’s Opening Information



Welcome to Sparrows Point High School!

Use this site to find all resources related to COVID for Baltimore County Public Schools.


Arrival & Dismissal Procedures

  • The school building will open to students at 7:30 am each morning, our school day begins at 7:45 am and all students are expected to be in their first period class at that time. Before 7:30 am, students may wait outside the building, near the entrance closest to their first period class. Once they enter the building, students proceed to their A1 class on the first day, B1 class on the second day.
  • Students arriving by vehicle should be dropped off by having the driver loop through the staff parking lot accessible from Main Avenue, nearest the auditorium.
  • Student drivers may only park on campus if they have received an SPHS parking permit.
  • Students will dismiss from classes at 2:30 and will head directly to their mode of transportation. The school building will be closed to all students not participating in an after school activity.








Screening & Testing (Safety is Our True North)

  • All families should screen students for symptoms prior to leaving home.
  • Please use this checklist to determine if a student should or should not go to school.
  • Persons with COVID-19 symptoms in school will be required to be tested or will be placed on quarantine, in alignment with guidance from the Maryland Department of Health.

Face Covering (Safety is Our True North)

Requirements: All persons, regardless of vaccination status, must wear a face covering while inside a school. Exceptions to this requirement are:

  • The person is alone in a private space.
  • The person is eating or drinking.
  • The person has a documented physical or developmental disability that makes wearing a mask unsafe.
  • The person is under the age of two.

The person is a student athlete engaged in the sport in the field of play.


Social Distancing (Safety is Our True North)

Requirements: Physical distancing of students from each other and between students and adults will be provided to the greatest extent possible, considering school enrollment and facility constraints. Strategies include:

  • Use of classroom and cafeteria configurations that provide maximal separation between students.
  • Plans for arrival, dismissal and change of classes to reduce gathering of students in any area.
  • Restriction of field trips to day trips only, with plans to reduce exposure to large crowds.
  • Plans for supervision of restrooms, locker rooms, and school lockers to prevent congregation of students.

Hand Hygiene (Safety is Our True North)

Requirements: Employees and students have been instructed to adhere to best practices in hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette.

Times for handwashing or use of hand sanitizer to include before and after meals, upon arrival to schools’ offices and home, before and after use of any shared items, after use of the restroom, after sneezing/coughing and other time hands are contaminated.

Breakfast & Lunch


  • Grab and Go breakfast will be available to all students at no costin the cafeteria lobby, main lobby, auditorium lobby and annex breezeway at 7:30 am daily. The cafeteria will be closed in the morning.
  • Three lunch shifts (A, B, C) will run throughout the time frame of 11:25-1:00. In the cafeteria, students will be able to select a table on the first A Day and first B Day. Students will return to the same table during each lunch. Students may eat outdoors in the courtyard during all lunches, weather permitting.





Supplies & Devices:

  • Students should bring their charged device and charger to school each day. Students are being asked to run a “tech check” before the first day of school, to make sure their device is in working order and that they can login.
  • Students should also bring any materials needed for their individual class per the teachers’ requests.
  • A school supply list is available on our website and Schoology.







Visitors (Safety is Our True North)

  • To visit a BCPS school, visitors must have an appointment.
  • Visits will be conducted remotely or outside, whenever possible.
  • If an indoor visit is required, visitors will be required to wear a face coverings and practice social distancing.
  • The number of people admitted to the building will be limited.

Athletics (Secondary)/Extra Curriculars

  • Sparrows Point offers a wide variety of athletics and extracurricular activities. Students are encouraged to view the Pointer Possibilities brochure in Schoology for more information.
  • This site contains current information for mitigation related to athletics in BCPS.

Cleaning/Disinfecting (Safety is Our True North)

Requirements: BCPS staff will continue to provide safe and clean school environments by ensuring daily cleaning of buildings using Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved germicidal agents that kill coronavirus. BCPS staff will:

  • Perform frequent cleaning and disinfection of high-contact surfaces and any shared items, at least daily.
  • Promote hand washing before and after touch of shared use items.
  • Maintain sufficient supplies of soap, paper towels, and hand sanitizer.