Principal's Message


Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Greetings Pointer Students and Families,

I’m excited to share that SPHS is offering after-school and Saturday academic support for our students through the “Pointers Rise” program during the month of January.

All students who earned a D/E for Marking Period 1 in English, Science, Math or Social Studies should plan to attend all four sessions.

Saturday, January 4 and Saturday, January 11 from 8:00-11:00 am (location: library)

Wednesday, January 8 and Wednesday, January 15 from 2:45-4:45 pm (location: library)

  • Students will receive assistance in completing current class assignments and will receive individual tutoring from SPHS teachers.
  • Transportation is not provided- please drop and pick up your student at the flagpole. Students should arrive with their charged device and a drink/snack.
  • Please be sure to have your student join us for this great opportunity to improve their current grades and receive individual and small group support from our staff!

I’m pleased to share the SPHS National Honor Society has been hard at work supporting several projects for our community:

  • October: Canned Food Drive - 1222 canned good items donated
  • November: Winter Coat Donations
  • December: Christmas Cards for local nursing homes

Looking ahead, if your holiday travels take you to White Marsh- please be on the lookout for the SPHS Marching Band in the White Marsh Holiday Parade on Saturday, December 7.

During this season of thanks, I want to thank our students, parents and staff- each of whom contribute to the supportive and enriching environment that makes Sparrows Point truly special. I am grateful for the unwavering support of our families and look forward to our continued collaboration throughout the school year.

Wishing you and your family a happy and peaceful Thanksgiving holiday.

Kind Regards,

Emily J. Caster


Sparrows Point High School

Upcoming Events & Information

Do you like Math? Do you have a 3.0 GPA or higher in your math classes? Then join the Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society! You must be in Algebra II (or higher) to be qualified. Grab an application from your math teacher! All applications are due to Ms. Paragios (Room 202) or Ms. Western (Room 210) by Thursday, December 19

Winter Instrumental Music Concert- Thursday, December 5, 6:30 pm, SPHS Auditorium

Winter Vocal Music Concert- Thursday, December 12, 6:30 pm, SPHS Auditorium

Please donate new or gently used children’s books by dropping off in the SPHS Main Office or Library. The National English Honor Society is collecting these items for the holidays, which will support the Maryland Book Bank.


Our Vision:

Sparrows Point High School honors tradition, instills integrity and exceeds expectations. Our students will be supported within a community oriented, student centered, academically challenging learning experience which nurtures their educational and career aspirations.


Our Mission:

We will provide students with real world opportunities, a focus on environmental literacy and a safe and positive environment that equips them to flourish as responsible citizens.


Our Motto:

POINT PRIDE. Honor Tradition. Instill Integrity. Exceed Expectations.