The Advanced Placement (AP) program is an educational initiative in the United States and other countries, offering college-level courses and exams to high school students. These courses are designed to provide a more rigorous academic experience and better prepare students for the challenges of higher education.
Benefits of the AP program for students include:
College-Level Curriculum: AP courses offer a curriculum similar to what students will encounter in their first year of college. This exposure helps students become accustomed to the academic expectations and workload of higher education.
College Credit: Performing well on AP exams can earn students college credits, allowing them to potentially skip introductory courses and accelerate their progress in college. This can save both time and money.
Improved Academic Skills: AP courses emphasize critical thinking, analytical writing, problem-solving, and research skills. Students develop stronger study habits and time management skills, which are invaluable for success in college and beyond.
Enhanced College Applications: Admissions officers often view AP courses and successful performance on AP exams favorably. It demonstrates a student's willingness to take on challenging coursework and can enhance their college applications.
Competitive Edge: Gaining college credit and demonstrating proficiency in advanced subjects can give students a competitive edge when applying to universities or seeking scholarships.
Preparation for Standardized Tests: The rigorous nature of AP courses can help students prepare for standardized tests like the SAT or ACT, potentially leading to better scores.
Broadened Horizons: AP courses offer a wide range of subjects, allowing students to explore various fields and interests, helping them make informed decisions about their future college majors and careers.
Intellectual Growth: AP courses foster a deeper understanding of the subject matter and encourage critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, promoting intellectual growth and a love for learning.
Overall, the AP program provides an opportunity for motivated high school students to challenge themselves academically, acquire college credit, and develop skills that will serve them well throughout their academic and professional journeys.
We are fortunate to offer the following AP Classes at Sparrows Point:
-AP Language and Composition (11th grade, taught by Ms. White)
-AP Literature and Composition (12th grade, taught by Ms. Donahue)
AP Calculus AB (taught by Ms. Paragios)
AP Calculus BC (taught by Ms. Pirie)
AP Statistics (taught by Mr. Wright)
AP Biology (taught by Mr. Scalice)
AP Environmental Science (taught by Ms. Bodis)
AP Physics (taught by Mr. Feazell)
Social Studies
AP World History (10th grade, taught by Ms. Hummel)
AP US History (11th grade, taught by Mr. Warble)
AP Economics (12th grade, taught by Ms. O'Brien-Woolston)
AP Psychology (elective, taught by Mr. Roberts)
AP European History (elective, taught by Ms. Hummel)
Career Studies/Business
AP Computer Science Principles (taught by Ms. Vaughan)
AP Art Studio (taught by Mr. Ames)
AP 3D Design Studio (taught by Ms. Hawk)
World Language
AP Spanish Language and Culture (taught by Ms. Masel)
AP Spanish Literature and Culture (taught by Ms. Masel)