Here is the text and links to resources to put in the
parent’s corner for this week
A growing number of grandparents are taking on the role of
parenting a second generation. Few grandparents expected they would be raising
their grandchildren. This very important and highly rewarding role also has its
own set of challenges. Not to mention the additional challenges as a result of
increased technology and social media.
For those of you who find yourself raising your
grandchildren we are here to partner with you and would like to help. The Tips
for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren document from BCPS provides several
resources for legal, medical, and financial assistance as well as links to
other helpful resources. The “Grandparents Raising Grandchildren” article from focuses on emotional well-being of both grandparents and grandchildren.
We hope the resources and information assist you as you continue your unique
role as both grandparent and parent. Please reach out to us if you need
further assistance.