SPHS Bus Routes

Sparrows Point High School Parents and Guardians: Bus Transportation

We are excited to welcome all students back on Monday, August 26th for the start of the 2024-2025 school year! With that start, we often receive many questions regarding assigned bus stops and transportation. We are pleased to share that you are now able to view assigned bus stop information in the FOCUS portal.

To do so, please follow the steps below:

1. When signing on to FOCUS, select ‘CHILD INFO’ under your student’s name on the left side of the FOCUS window.

2. Once ‘CHILD INFO’ is selected, select ‘TRANSPORTATION’.

3. Within ‘TRANSPORTATION’ you will be able to see the bus number, bus route name, stop description, and stop time for both the AM and PM trips.

If you would like to request a bus stop change, click on the ‘BUS STOP CHANGE REQUEST’ form. Please understand that completing this request does not guarantee a change in bus stops or transportation services.

You can see the AM and PM schedule below:
24-25 AM Bus Routes
24-25 PM Bus Routes